Agate point, 775 grams and 10 cm high
Agate point, 775 grams and 10 cm high
€39,95 €29,96

Agate point, 775 grams and 10 cm high

EUR 29,96
EUR 39,95

Agate, a translucent form of quartz, forms when silica deposits in igneous rocks. This stone has various color variations and is known as a talisman that offers protection during crucial life moments.

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Product description

Stripes and patterns

Agate is a translucent variety of quartz. Agate forms when silica from groundwater deposits in cavities of igneous rocks. This creates concentric layers around the walls of the cavity or horizontal layers that build up from the bottom. This creates the striated patterns often seen on agates. In some cases, the cavities are lined with crystals, these are called geodes.

Variety of colours

Agate comes in many different colours, such as brown, white, red, grey, pink, black and yellow. The colours were created as groundwater with different compositions seeped into the cavity. The alternation of colours is a record of changes in water chemistry. This alternation of colours gives many agates the interesting colours and patterns that make it a popular gemstone.

Fortune stone

Agate has been known as a fortune stone since ancient times. It was used to make amulets and necklaces, as well as to decorate utensils such as buttons. Agate is believed to have medicinal properties, including protection during pregnancy, against headaches, skin conditions and balance disorders. Agate is also known for its grounding, stabilising and protective properties. It promotes inner peace and a calm and level-headed attitude.

Product information
Article code AGK187
EAN 8784765423640
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