Crystal angels of various minerals

Angels made of different minerals. They are seen as spiritual protectors who help you through the difficult periods in earthly existence. Read more.

Amethyst fairy
EUR 79,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clarifying properties and can help with decision making, anger management and overcoming addictions.

EUR 79,95
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Amethyst fairy
EUR 79,95

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety that can discolour when heated or exposed to sunlight. Amethyst has calming and clarifying properties and can help with decision making, anger management and overcoming addictions.

EUR 79,95
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Why put an angel in the house

Angels are messengers who form a spiritual bridge between heaven and earth. Angels are bringers of love, beauty, joy, honesty. They are seen as spiritual protectors who help you through the difficult periods in earthly existence. Placing an angel in your home will make it easier to get answers to your life questions

Gemstone carvings

Crafting gemstones is a true art form. We distinguish between gemstones, which focus on processing mainly small clear stones for jewelry. And the figures and shapes that are carved out of rock, for decoration but usually with a meaning that can go back thousands of years.


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