1KG grams mini tumbled stones
1KG grams mini tumbled stones
€24,95 €19,95

1KG grams mini tumbled stones

EUR 19,95
EUR 24,95

Selection of tumbled stones in a free form mix of 1KG with colourful stones like rock crystal, amethyst, agate, rose quartz and jasper

In stock (27)
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Product description

Colourful stones

This mix bag of 1KG contains small polished stones from all over the world. A cheerfully coloured mix of various gemstones. The size varies from 1 to 2 cm and is ideal as decoration material. The bags are assembled according to the principle of chance and may therefore vary slightly in number and size. If you are looking for beautiful stones to hand out, have a look at our tumbled stones mix large.

Contents of the bag

The following stones can be found in this mix:

  • rock crystal
  • rose quartz
  • amethyst
  • aventurine
  • tiger eye
  • various types of jasper
  • agate
  • howlite
  • carnelian
  • sodalite
  • unakite
  • tiger iron
  • rutile quartz
  • epidote


Our large mix is perfect as decoration material in the home, for an aquarium or to make gemstone or crystal confetti. They also make perfect gifts to give away in the classroom or on occasions. Place the gems on a dish, on a table or put them in a vase for a cheerful look, let your creativity run wild!

Product information
Article code KN12
EAN 8784765232839
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